用于Web开发的免费JSON API。
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
Dogs | Based on the Stanford Dogs Dataset 提供关于狗狗的事情的 API 服务。 | No | Yes | 点击查看 |
IUCN | 自然保护联盟濒危物种红名单 | apiKey | No | 点击查看 |
Petfinder | Petfinder.com是互联网上最大的宠物网站,通过互联网向全美的收养人公开动物收容所和救援组织的情况。 | apiKey | Yes | 点击查看 |
RescueGroups | RescueGroups.org是一个非营利组织,为动物福利界提供免费和低成本的技术服务。 | No | Yes | 点击查看 |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
AniList | AniList | OAuth | No | 点击查看 |
Jikan | 一个非官方使用PHP编写的API,提供了一个简单的语法,可以获取动漫,漫画,人物,人物细节甚至用户列表。 | No | Yes | 点击查看 |
Kitsu | 动漫发现平台,查看最新动漫趋势,标记你喜欢的动漫,提供免费API。 | OAuth | Yes | 点击查看 |
Studio Ghibli | 吉卜力工作室电影资源 | No | Yes | 点击查看 |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
Certly | Certly Link/Domain Flagging | apiKey | Yes | Go! |
Google Safe Browsing | Google Link/Domain Flagging | apiKey | Yes | Go! |
Metacert | Metacert Link Flagging | apiKey | Yes | Go! |
VirusTotal | VirusTotal File/URL Analysis | apiKey | Yes | Go! |
Web Of Trust (WOT) | Website reputation | apiKey | Yes | Go! |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
Dribbble | Dribbble是一个面向创作家、艺术工作者、设计师等创意类作品的人群,提供作品在线服务,供网友在线查看已经完成的作品或者正在创作的作品的交流网站。 | OAuth | No | 点击查看 |
Harvard Art Museums | 哈佛大学美术馆 | apiKey | No | 点击查看 |
Icons8 | 55,200 个免费的平面图标,在 20 秒内生成任何格式、大小和颜色的图标,提供免费API | OAuth | Yes | 点击查看 |
Noun Project | Icons for everything | OAuth | No | 点击查看 |
Rijksmuseum | 阿姆斯特丹国家博物馆 | apiKey | Yes | 点击查看 |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
British National Bibliography | Books | No | No | Go! |
Goodreads | Books | No | Yes | Go! |
Google Books | Books | OAuth | Yes | Go! |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
mailgun | Email Service | apiKey | Yes | Go! |
markerapi | Trademark Search | No | No | Go! |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
Church Calendar | Catholic liturgical calendar | No | No | Go! |
Holidays | Historical data regarding holidays | apiKey | Yes | Go! |
LectServe | Protestant liturgical calendar | No | No | Go! |
Non-Working Days | Database of ICS files for non working days | No | Yes | Go! |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
Box | File Sharing and Storage | OAuth | Yes | Go! |
Dropbox | File Sharing and Storage | OAuth | Yes | Go! |
Google Drive | File Sharing and Storage | OAuth | Yes | Go! |
OneDrive | File Sharing and Storage | OAuth | Yes | Go! |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
Currencylayer | Exchange rates and currency conversion | apiKey | Yes | Go! |
Fixer.io | Exchange rates and currency conversion | No | Yes | Go! |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
18F | US Federal Government /Developer Program | No | No | Go! |
Abbreviation | Get abbreviations and meanings | X-Mashape-Key | Yes | Go! |
CARTO | Location Information Prediction | apiKey | Yes | Go! |
Callook.info | United States ham radio callsigns | No | Yes | Go! |
Celebinfo | Celebrity information | X-Mashape-Key | Yes | Go! |
Colorado Data Engine | Formatted and geolocated Colorado public data | No | Yes | Go! |
Colorado Information Marketplace | Colorado State Government Open Data | No | Yes | Go! |
Data USA | US Public Data | No | Yes | Go! |
Dronestream | Tracks United States drone strikes | No | Yes | Go! |
fonoApi | Mobile Device Description | No | Yes | Go! |
Open Government, Australia | Australian Government Open Data | No | Yes | Go! |
Open Government, USA | United States Government Open Data | No | Yes | Go! |
Open Government, Canada | Canadian Government Open Data | No | No | Go! |
Open Government Data, India | Indian Government Open Data | apiKey | Yes | Go! |
Open Government, New Zealand | New Zealand Government Open Data | No | Yes | Go! |
Pearson | Dictionary Data | apiKey | No | Go! |
Prague Opendata | Prague City Open Data | No | No | Go! |
Quandl | Stock Market Data | No | Yes | Go! |
Represent by Open North | Find Canadian Government Representatives | No | Yes | Go! |
Scoop.it | Content Curation Service | apiKey | No | Go! |
Teleport | Quality of Life Data | No | Yes | Go! |
Wikipedia | Mediawiki Encyclopedia | No | Yes | Go! |
Wordnik | Dictionary Data | No | No | Go! |
Yelp | Find Local Business | OAuth | Yes | Go! |