名称 | 值 | |
Content-Type | application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
名称 | 必填 | 类型 | 说明 | |
key | 是 | String | 在个人中心->我的数据,接口名称上方查看 | |
image_base64 | 是 | String | 图片的 Base64 值。支持的图片格式:PNG、JPG、JPEG,暂不支持 GIF 格式。支持的图片大小:所下载图片经Base64编码后不超过 3M。 |
curl -k -i -d "key=key&image_base64=xxx" "http://apis.juhe.cn/edu_paper_ocr/query"
名称 | 类型 | 说明 | |
error_code | Integer | 状态码,成功时返回0 | |
reason | String | 状态信息 | |
result | Object | 返回结果 | |
result.request_id | String | 请求 ID | |
result.edu_paper_infos | Array of TextEduPaper | 检测到的文本信息 | |
TextEduPaper.detected_text | String | 识别出的文本行内容 | |
result.question_block_infos | Array of QuestionBlockObj | 结构化方式输出 | |
QuestionBlockObj.question_arr | Array of QuestionObj | 数学试题识别结构化信息数组 | |
QuestionObj.question_text_no | String | 题号 | |
QuestionObj.question_text_type | Integer | 题型:1: 选择题,2: 填空题,3: 解答题 | |
QuestionObj.question_text | String | 题干 | |
QuestionObj.question_options | String | 选择题选项 | |
QuestionObj.question_sub_question | String | 所有子题的question属性 |
JSON返回示例:JSON在线格式化工具 >
"reason": "success",
"result": {
"request_id": "0baa0eb5-5a4b-4724-9c85-e918059b2355",
"edu_paper_infos": [
"detected_text": "f ( x ) = \\frac { a x + 1 } { x + 2 } "
"detected_text": "\\frac { f ( x _ { 1 } ) - f ( x _ { 2 } ) } { x _ { 1 } - x _ { 2 } } < 0 "
"detected_text": "C . \\quad \\lbrack \\frac { 1 } { 3 } , \\frac { 1 } { 2 } ) "
"detected_text": "A . \\quad ( 0 , \\frac { 1 } { 2 } ) "
"detected_text": "D . \\quad ( \\frac { 1 } { 2 } , 1 ) "
"detected_text": "C . \\quad \\lbrack \\frac { 1 } { 4 } , 1 ) "
"detected_text": "A . \\quad ( 0 , \\frac { 1 } { 4 } \\rbrack "
"detected_text": "f ( x ) = \\left\\lbrace\\begin{array}{l} { a ^ { x } , } & { x < 0 } \\\\ { ( a - 3 ) x + 4 a , x \\geq 0 } \\end{array}\\right. "
"detected_text": "f ( x ) = \\left\\lbrace\\begin{array}{l} { ( 2 a - 1 ) x + a , x \\geq 1 } \\\\ { \\log _ a x } & { x < 1 } \\end{array}\\right. "
"detected_text": "B . \\quad ( 0 , \\frac { 1 } { 3 } \\rbrack "
"detected_text": "x _ { 1 } \\neq x _ { 2 } "
"detected_text": "题型4:已知函数的单调性求参数的取值范围"
"detected_text": "[例9] (★★★) 已知函数"
"detected_text": "在区间(-2, +∞)上是增函数,试求a的取值范围."
"detected_text": "[例10] (★★★★) 已知函数,若"
"detected_text": "在(0, +∞)上单调递减,则a的取"
"detected_text": "值范围为( )"
"detected_text": "[例11] (★★★★★)设 "
"detected_text": ",对任意的."
"detected_text": "都有"
"detected_text": "成立,"
"detected_text": "则a的取值范围是( )"
"detected_text": "B. (0, 1)"
"detected_text": "D. (0,3)"
"detected_text": "2019年高三.数学.寒假文科 "
"detected_text": ""
"detected_text": ""
"question_block_infos": [
"question_arr": [
"question_text_no": "",
"question_text_type": 3,
"question_text": "题型4:已知函数的单调性求参数的取值范围",
"question_options": "[{\"option\":[]}]",
"question_sub_question": "[]"
"question_arr": [
"question_text_no": "[例9]",
"question_text_type": 3,
"question_text": "(★★★)已知函数f(x)=\\frac{ax+1}{x+2}在区间(-2,+∞)上是增函数,试求a的取值范围.",
"question_options": "[{\"option\":[]}]",
"question_sub_question": "[]"
"question_arr": [
"question_text_no": "[例10]",
"question_text_type": 1,
"question_text": "(★★★★)已知函数,若f(x)=\\left\\lbrace\\begin{array}{l}{(2a-1)x+a,x\\geq1}\\\\{\\log_ax}&{x<1}\\end{array}\\right.在(0,+∞)上单调递减,则a的取值范围为##{()}##",
"question_options": "[{\"option\":[\"$${\\\\quad(0,\\\\frac{1}{2})}$$\",\"$${\\\\quad(0,\\\\frac{1}{3}\\\\rbrack}$$\",\"$${\\\\quad\\\\lbrack\\\\frac{1}{3},\\\\frac{1}{2})}$$\",\"$${\\\\quad(\\\\frac{1}{2},1)}$$\"]}]",
"question_sub_question": "[]"
"question_arr": [
"question_text_no": "[例11]",
"question_text_type": 1,
"question_text": "(★★★★★)设f(x)=\\left\\lbrace\\begin{array}{l}{a^{x},}&{x<0}\\\\{(a-3)x+4a,x\\geq0}\\end{array}\\right.,对任意的.x_{1}\\neqx_{2}都有\\frac{f(x_{1})-f(x_{2})}{x_{1}-x_{2}}<0成立,则a的取值范围是##{()}##",
"question_options": "[{\"option\":[\"$${\\\\quad(0,\\\\frac{1}{4}\\\\rbrack}$$\",\"(0,1)\",\"$${\\\\quad\\\\lbrack\\\\frac{1}{4},1)}$$\",\"(0,3)\"]}]",
"question_sub_question": "[]"
"error_code": 0
错误码 | 说明 | |
252801 | 查询参数错误 | |
252802 | 请求失败 |
错误码 | 说明 | 旧版本(resultcode) | |
10001 | 错误的请求KEY | 101 | |
10002 | 该KEY无请求权限 | 102 | |
10003 | KEY过期 | 103 | |
10004 | 错误的OPENID | 104 | |
10005 | 应用未审核超时,请提交认证 | 105 | |
10007 | 未知的请求源 | 107 | |
10008 | 被禁止的IP | 108 | |
10009 | 被禁止的KEY | 109 | |
10011 | 当前IP请求超过限制 | 111 | |
10012 | 请求超过次数限制 | 112 | |
10013 | 测试KEY超过请求限制 | 113 | |
10014 | 系统内部异常(调用充值类业务时,请务必联系客服或通过订单查询接口检测订单,避免造成损失) | 114 | |
10020 | 接口维护 | 120 | |
10021 | 接口停用 | 121 |
2 | 002 | 01 | |
服务级错误(1为系统级错误) | 服务模块代码(即数据ID) | 具体错误代码 |